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Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Also, "this year" generally works for me. Whatever the date.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
A few inches here, heaviest of the season so far.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
It should have been "twenty hundred" for 2000, but I admit the novelty of "the year two thousand" had a ring to it. Likewise this year should be referred to as "twenty oh-nine" IMO. So yeah, twenty-ten gets my vote for tomorrow.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
RSC died a slow death over years, this is just the final nail in the coffin. It will be missed, and kudos to those that helped run it. I doubt they'll every be another the same, but we can hope.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :If it would guarantee more progress, why not.

It would delay progress from stopping but that must happen eventually. I can't see it speeding anything up though.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
I think we should just mince up 100 million spammers per year as meaty compost for trees. Should balance it all out nicely.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
News is posted when there is something to tell. Any regular blog would quickly get repetitive and boring. Just like popular server combos.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
I feel bad for the way this topic has been derailed and all the unpleasantness posted within.

Seeing as it's Christmas, can't we all be happy that, at the very least, rockclan has proved he's been part of LFS for several years, and that he's had a multi-gaming team for potentially 7 years. While the wording about the LFS Team is very poor, and gives false impressions, never the less we should all congratulate the team for it's successes and hope that it is continued to be managed as well as it is (making the big assumption here that it is currently run well, I'll admit to not knowing anything about the team, hence the initial questions).

Now, time for sleep so I can wake up and eat a turkey.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Believe me it really is 7 years, he had a different account before i believe.

I can believe the team being 7 years, but not 7 years of LFS. I am only skeptical as in April 07 he had not yet bought a licence (did he drive demo for 5 years? I think not), in fact I was happy to defend him from being accused of cracking at the time too. So what games did Team Rock Racing start with?

All I'd like to see is some evidence of history to back up the 7 year claim, it is a great achievement if true. The earliest stuff I can find is from Feb 2007 (old team forum). So we're up to nearly 3 years now.

Quote from G!NhO :If you people don't believe it then you are just ignorant or jealous.

Call me ignorant then, but it's normal to be proud of your teams origins, not to hide them away.

Quote from G!NhO :A good team doesn't have to be one that wins all leagues, but a good team is created by good friendly people who have fun.

Absolutely. The team I was in lasted for about 4 years, but even though it's been gone a couple of years I still keep in touch with some of the guys.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from rockclan :The team was founded at December 16th of 2002.

16th Dec I can believe. WHOIS reckons you've only had your domain registered since 2008 though: - I make that one year, not 7.

It also raises the question of, how did you managed to found an LFS only team, some 4 and a bit years before you created an LFS account?
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :We'll all probably end up paying it, cause I mean who doesn't wanna have cable TV?

*raises arm*

Haven't watched TV by myself in years, although I do occasionally join in when friends are watching it, half the time it's a DVD anyway. Aren't there better things to do in Canada? Although in fairness apparently people in the UK watch 3.8 hours of TV per day, on average. I dunno how they do it, that's like all my spare time every day. After about 45 minutes I'm usually itching to get out of the room and do something, unless it's a good film.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Don't know where they are all going to go, especially because we don't have a dining room and the kitchen is very small.

You have a garden, or at least a driveway, yeah? Then sit outside, be festive and eat in the snow.

As for presents, I've been driving mine for three weeks already. Christmas might have come early but I'm more concerned I've only bought socks in return.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
I'd never heard of her, only film I've watched with her in was Sin City but I still didn't recognise the face.

Anyway, seems a bit late to jump on the bandwagon now, I thought all the celebrities had chosen the summer to snuff it.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :And it's got a better bass line.

It's simply a better song, but more importantly, not quite as well known.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Now all I need to do is get my hands on tickets to this free gig. A shame they can't get everyone who helped a ticket, unless there's a stadium that holds a quarter of a million people. Although that said, I suspect many people bought multiple copies, so maybe my chances will fare a little better.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Oh we know it was downloaded the most. The question is whether the additional downloads were enough to offset the physical sales. The numbers being posted is that "we" won by 52,000, but I'll believe it when I see something official.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Car tells me it's -5 outside. I can pull some nice four wheel drifts if I try and do something crazy like, just using 1st gear. Or 2nd. Braking scares me atm (if the road is white). And I made the mistake of overtaking the gritting lorry on the dual carriageway, while it was gritting. I can't see but judging from the noises, that must have left some scratches.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
It would be nice to have the option to reset the character to the normal position.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
I did search for christman number one! Silly forum search. Thanks, threads merged.

Most recent sales figures I can find:
RATM - 306,000
Joe - 297,000
UK Christmas Number 1
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Surprised there hasn't been a thread on this already.

In short, people in the UK are tired of X Factor stars getting the xmas number 1 for the past 5 years, and are suggesting we all buy Rage Against The Machine's Killing In The Name and try to get that to number 1.

In the news: Wales Online, MSN News, The Guardian

The facebook group:

I think it's a great idea and it would be cool to see it work out. I did my bit, just bought a copy of the song from Play. And TuneTribe. And Tesco. And HMV. As RATM says, power to the people.

Today is the last day it counts, for anyone wanting to add their support.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Actually no, because if the Earth's mass changed then the value of 1g would change correspondingly.

Gravity comes from mass density, not mass. You could change the mass of the earth without the Earth's gravitational field strength changing, likewise you could change g without changing the mass (just give the earth a little squeeze and watch everyone get heavier).
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
1 year late? This thread was bang on time.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
I've done something similar using (I think) mkv merge, which will let you write out the streams separately. Once at that stage, find another program to transcode the audio, then just mux the files again.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Sorry Ant, too busy with more commitments than I can keep on top of already.

I do like "Sir Bob" though.
Bob Smith
S3 licensed
Quote from 5haz :You'd have to shout at a cup of coffee for about 8 years to put enough energy into it to get it warm.

Someone should test that out. Actually, I think thats what lerts is doing right now.